How Trucking Company Policies Affect Oklahoma Accidents

How Trucking Company Policies Affect Oklahoma Accidents

Trucking companies are responsible for transporting goods across the country and play a crucial role in the economy. However, when trucking companies prioritize profits over safety, it can lead to devastating accidents on Oklahoma’s roads.

In this blog post, we will explore how trucking company policies can affect accidents in Oklahoma and what steps can be taken to prevent them.

Hours of Service RegulationsHow Trucking Company Policies Affect Oklahoma Accidents

One of the most critical policies that trucking companies must adhere to is the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations. These regulations limit the number of hours a driver can spend on the road in a 24-hour period and are designed to prevent driver fatigue, which can lead to accidents.

However, some trucking companies may pressure their drivers to exceed these limits to meet tight deadlines and increase profits. This can be dangerous for both the driver and other road users, as fatigued drivers are more likely to make mistakes behind the wheel.

To prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue, trucking companies must prioritize safety over profits and ensure that their drivers are not exceeding HOS regulations.

Maintenance and Inspection Policies

Trucking companies are also responsible for maintaining their vehicles and ensuring that they are safe to operate on the road. Failure to do so can lead to accidents caused by mechanical failures, such as brake failure or tire blowouts.

Trucking companies must have policies in place for regular vehicle inspections and maintenance, including pre-trip inspections before every trip. They should also have a process for reporting and addressing any maintenance issues promptly.

Driver Training and Qualification

Trucking companies must ensure that their drivers are properly trained and qualified to operate their vehicles safely. This includes providing training on defensive driving techniques, handling hazardous materials, and other safety-related topics.

Trucking companies should also conduct background checks and drug testing to ensure that their drivers are qualified and trustworthy.

Speeding and Reckless Driving Policies

Trucking companies must have policies in place to prevent speeding and reckless driving. Speeding is a common cause of accidents, especially in large commercial vehicles, and can be deadly when combined with the weight and size of a truck.

Trucking companies should have strict policies in place to discourage speeding and other reckless driving behaviors, such as harsh braking or tailgating.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)

In an effort to improve compliance with HOS regulations, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires most commercial trucks to use Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) to track their driving hours accurately.

ELDs automatically record a driver’s on-duty and off-duty time, making it more difficult for trucking companies to pressure their drivers to exceed HOS regulations. This technology can help prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue and improve overall road safety.

Trucking companies should ensure that their drivers are using ELDs correctly and that they are complying with HOS regulations to prevent accidents.

Communication Policies

Effective communication between trucking companies and their drivers is essential for maintaining safety on the road. Trucking companies should have policies in place for communicating with their drivers about changes in weather, road conditions, or other potential hazards.

Moreover, trucking companies should encourage their drivers to report any safety concerns or issues that they encounter on the road promptly.

Trucking companies play a critical role in ensuring road safety in Oklahoma and across the country. By prioritizing safety and implementing policies and procedures to prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue, mechanical failures, speeding, and other reckless driving behaviors, trucking companies can help protect their drivers and other road users.

Additionally, by using ELDs and promoting effective communication, trucking companies can ensure that their drivers are complying with regulations and are aware of potential hazards, improving safety on the road. By working together, trucking companies, drivers, and regulators can help reduce the number of accidents on Oklahoma’s roads and keep our communities safe.

Murray Law Firm is a personal injury law firm that specializes in representing victims of trucking accidents in Oklahoma. Our experienced attorneys have a thorough understanding of the complex laws and regulations that govern the trucking industry, and we are well-equipped to handle cases involving trucking company policies that have contributed to accidents.

If you have been involved in a trucking accident in Oklahoma, the Murray Law Firm can help you in the following ways:

Investigating the Accident

Our attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation of the accident to determine the cause, including whether trucking company policies or procedures played a role. We will review the trucking company’s safety records, maintenance logs, and other relevant documents to determine whether the trucking company violated any regulations or industry standards.

Holding the Trucking Company Accountable

If we find evidence that the trucking company’s policies or procedures contributed to the accident, we will hold them accountable for their actions. Our attorneys will work to negotiate a fair settlement or take the case to trial if necessary to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Providing Legal Support

Our attorneys will provide you with legal support throughout the process, including filing paperwork, dealing with insurance companies, and representing you in court. We will keep you informed of your legal options and guide you through the entire process.

Fighting for Maximum Compensation

Our attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive maximum compensation for your injuries, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We understand the devastating impact that trucking accidents can have on victims and their families and are dedicated to helping you recover.

If you have been involved in a trucking accident in Oklahoma, the Murray Law Firm can help. We have the knowledge and experience to handle cases involving trucking company policies that have contributed to accidents and will fight tirelessly to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.