Truck Accident Settlement Offers
Injured in a truck wreck? Don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Watch this video to learn what’s important about truck accident settlement offers.
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Should I accept a settlement offer from the insurance company for my truck accident?
I’ve had clients ask me, “How long should I take before I hire a lawyer?” or, “How long should I wait to hire a lawyer after I’m involved with a tractor trailer injury case?” My response is always the same: immediately; not three months, not twelve months, and definitely not until the insurance company makes their first offer. Insurance companies always say, “Before you hire a lawyer, will you let me make a first offer? Will you promise me you won’t hire a lawyer until I make my first offer to you? I think we can get this case settled.” That’s exactly the mistake you don’t want to make. The insurance company and the adjuster are not your friends; they’re looking out for number one. They don’t want to pay you a fair settlement.Hire a lawyer who’s experienced with tractor trailer cases to help you navigate all the twists and turns of a very difficult tractor trailer injury case. Tractor trailer injury cases are complicated because the drivers are held to a higher standard, they have things they have to do, and sometimes it takes a lot of work to find out all the violations of the safety rules tractor trailer drivers make.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a commercial vehicle crash and have questions about receiving truck accident settlement offers? Contact a Stillwater truck accident attorney at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you.
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Out of Town Legal Resource:
This Salt Lake City Truck Accident Lawyer has done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a truck accident claim in Salt Lake City, we recommend you take a look at their website.