Stillwater Lawyer / School Bus Accident Compensation

School Bus Accident Compensation

Was your child injured while riding the bus? Watch this video to learn how we can help recover the school bus accident compensation they deserve.
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What types of compensation are available for a school bus accident?


If you’re involved in school bus injury, or you have a loved one who is, you can recover essentially the same damages you can in a normal wreck case. You can get your medical bills. You can get future and past medical bills. You can get future and past pain and suffering.School Bus Accident CompensationYou can get compensation if you’re injured in such a way you can never do what you love to do so much before the wreck. If you played football and now you can’t play football, you receive compensation for that. If you have any permanent impairment or temporary impairment, you can receive coverage for that. It’s basically the same types of recovery in damage you receive from a bus wreck as it is an automobile wreck.

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a wreck and have questions about school bus accident compensation? Contact a Stillwater bus accident lawyer at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel