Best Interests of the Child
When ending a relationship that involves children, the courts consider the best interests of the child when determining custody. Watch this video to learn more.Question:
How do the courts determine child custody during divorce?Answer:
All divorce cases and family matters deal with children. What’s most important to the courts and to all lawyers involved is what’s in the best interest of the children, and that’s a slippery slope. Everyone looks at things differently. Everyone has their perception. One thing we can start with is this: your children will always be your children, and parents need to work together for what’s in the best interest of them.There are reasons why one person thinks the other person shouldn’t have custody – I understand that – but when it comes right down to it, both parents love their child. I tell people all the time be careful the positions you take and the battles you want to fight because you could win the battle and lose the war. I always take time with my clients, to analyze the situation with them and help them understand what their thoughts are about what their best interests are and why. I help them evaluate to make sure they’re sincere and they’re not more to punish the other parent. What it all comes down to, at the end of the day, is the court’s worried and concerned about what’s in the best of the children, and the parents should be too.
If your marriage is dissolving and you have children, you may be wondering about the best interests of the child. Contact a Stillwater child custody lawyer at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel Out of Town Resources This New Jersey Child Custody Attorney has done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a child custody claim in Jersey City, we recommend you take a look at their website.