DUI Penalties
Arrested for drunk driving and worried about DUI Penalties in Oklahoma? Check out this video to see what you could be facing. Call for a free consultation.
What are the penalties for a first offense DUI in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, if it’s your first offense with a DUI, it’s going to be a one-year sentence or one-year jail, but most of the time it’s deferred. You’re going to have to do a drug and alcohol evaluation, an alcohol, drug, and substance abuse course, and 20 hours of community service.
You’re going to have to pay court costs and fines. You’re going to have to be on probation. You’re going to have to pay the district attorney $40 a month and the Oklahoma court services $40 a month during probation. You’re going to have to do a class called Victims’ Impact. It’s about mad mothers. You have to go and listen to how drunk driving changed their lives and their family’s lives forever. It can be expensive. You have to pay for all those classes before you can take them.If you don’t pay the things you’re supposed to, and do the things you’re supposed to, the district attorney can move to file a motion to make this a conviction which would permanently be on your record. You really want to take care of business. I believe it’s a mirror image of your life. If you take care of your responsibilities in this process, you’re going to do well in life. It doesn’t go away. Address it head on and resolve it.
Did you or a loved one get arrested for drunk driving in Oklahoma and have questions about DUI penalties for a first offense? Contact a Stillwater DUI lawyer at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you.
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